You hear the word audio devices and don't understand what audio devices mean, here is a simple explanation!The term "audio devices", as well as "audio output device" refers to any device that is suitable for playing sound, there are not only devices connected to a computer, there are also MP-3 players here, e.g. B. Played or played music or speech. The term can also refer to a reference to a computer sound card. See also: ►► What is a hexadecimal digit ? ►►► Decode, Encode, Decompress, Compress? ►►►► Adjust or deactivate sound scheme in Windows 8.1 / 10! What are audio devices, should no longer be a headache and you can have a good voice and have a professional knowledge of the conversation partners! What can I do if I still have problems with my Windows computer is a frequently asked question. Restart the Windows operating system, please carry out a correct Windows restart . Info:
Your computer itself cannot make any noise, except through the internal PC speaker. Digital data from audio and video files must be converted into something that the ears can hear. This requires special hardware and audio data processing. These audio output devices consist of integrated circuits, sound cards or external adapters. Each serves the same function, as well as connecting the computer to speakers and headphones. FAQ 140: Updated on: 9 July 2021 18:01 |